mosromgr merge
Merge the provided MOS files
mosromgr merge [-h] [-f [files [files ...]]] [-b bucket] [-p prefix] [-s suffix]
[-o outfile] [-i] [-n]
- -f --files [files ...]
The MOS files to merge
- -b --bucket-name bucket
The name of the S3 bucket containing the MOS files
- -p --prefix prefix
The file prefix for MOS files in the S3 bucket
- -s --suffix suffix
The file suffix for MOS files in the S3 bucket
- -o --outfile outfile
Output to a file
- -i --incomplete
Allow an incomplete collection
- -n --non-strict
Downgrade MOS merge errors to warnings
- -h, --help
Show this help message and exit
Merge local files and store the result in a new file:
$ mosromgr merge -f *.mos.xml -o FINAL.xml
INFO:mosromgr.moscollection:Merging RunningOrderEnd 123499
INFO:mosromgr.moscollection:Completed merging 99 mos files
Writing merged running order to FINAL.xml
Merge files in an S3 bucket folder by prefix and store the result in a new file:
$ mosromgr merge -b my-bucket -p newsnight/20210101/ -o FINAL.xml
INFO:mosromgr.moscollection:Merging RunningOrderEnd 123499
INFO:mosromgr.moscollection:Completed merging 99 mos files
Writing merged running order to FINAL.xml
Your AWS credentials must be configured to use the S3 method. See