
This section is a walkthrough of the contents of the module, intended to explain how mosromgr works and introduce the concepts.

MOS Types

The MOS Types section of the module provides a collection of classes for dealing with individual MOS messages. The classes provide easy access to some of the elements within a MOS file, such as a list of stories within a running order, the transmission time of a programme, or its duration.

For example, you can load a running order from a roCreate file, print the RO Slug and access some details:

>>> from mosromgr.mostypes import RunningOrder
>>> ro = RunningOrder.from_file('123456-roCreate.mos.xml')
>>> ro.ro_slug
'22:45 NEWSNIGHT 54D CORE Thu, 08.04.2021'
>>> ro.message_id
>>> ro.start_time
datetime.datetime(2021, 4, 8, 21, 46, 30)
>>> ro.duration
>>> len(ro.stories)

In the case of MOS messages which contain a change to a running order, the relevant details are exposed, for example a StoryInsert includes access to the source_stories and target_story.

When dealing with merging MosFile objects, this is done by “adding” each file to the RunningOrder object by using the + operator:

>>> from mosromgr.mostypes import RunningOrder, StoryInsert
>>> ro = RunningOrder.from_file('123456-roCreate.mos.xml')
>>> ss = StoryInsert.from_file('123457-roStoryInsert.mos.xml')
>>> len(ro.stories)
>>> ro += ss
>>> len(ro.stories)

MOS Elements

The MOS Elements part of the module provides a collection of classes used to provide easy access to certain elements within a MosFile object, such as a list of stories within a running order, and the items within a story:

from mosromgr.mostypes import RunningOrder

ro = RunningOrder.from_file('123456-roCreate.mos.xml')

for story in ro.stories:

Here, ro.stories is a list of Story objects. Each story has its own set of accessible properties, such as the story’s duration, start_time, end_time, offset and items:

>>> story = ro.stories[0]
>>> story.duration
>>> story.start_time
datetime.datetime(2021, 4, 8, 21, 46, 30)
>>> len(story.items)

Here, the story contains 3 items, each of these is an Item object.

MOS Collection

The MOS Collection part of the module provides a wrapper class MosCollection which stores references to specified MOS files, strings or S3 object keys so the MosFile objects can be recreated when needed rather than kept in memory. Rather than using the + operator, a merge() method is provided:

from mosromgr.moscollection import MosCollection

mc = MosCollection.from_s3(bucket_name=bucket_name, prefix=prefix)


The next page will cover some example problems and solutions to show you how you can use mosromgr in practice.