Source code for mosromgr.utils.xml

# mosromgr: Python library for managing MOS running orders
# Copyright 2021 BBC
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

from typing import Optional, Tuple
from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element

[docs]def remove_node(parent: Element, node: Element): """ Remove *node* from *parent*. """ parent.remove(node)
[docs]def replace_node(parent: Element, old_node: Element, new_node: Element, index: int): """ Replace *old_node* with *new_node* in *parent* at *index*. """ parent.remove(old_node) parent.insert(index, new_node)
[docs]def insert_node(parent: Element, node: Element, index: int): """ Insert *node* in *parent* at *index*. """ parent.insert(index, node)
def append_node(parent, node): """ Append *node* to *parent*. """ parent.append(node)
[docs]def find_child( parent: Element, child_tag: str, id: Optional[str] = None ) -> Tuple[Optional[Element], Optional[int]]: """ Find an element with *child_tag* in *parent* and return ``(child, index)`` or ``(None, None)`` if not found. If *id* is provided, it will be searched for, otherwise the first child will be returned. """ for i, child in enumerate(parent): if child.tag == child_tag: if id is None: return (child, i) child_id = child.find(f'{child_tag}ID').text if child_id == id: return (child, i) return (None, None)