Source code for mosromgr.mostypes

# mosromgr: Python library for managing MOS running orders
# Copyright 2021 BBC
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import logging
import warnings
import copy
import itertools

import xmltodict
from dateutil.parser import parse

from .utils.xml import remove_node, replace_node, insert_node, find_child, append_node
from .utils import s3
from .moselements import Story, Item
from .exc import (
    MosInvalidXML, UnknownMosFileType, MosCompletedMergeError, MosMergeError,
    ItemNotFoundWarning, StoryNotFoundWarning, DuplicateStoryWarning

logger = logging.getLogger('mosromgr.mostypes')

[docs]class MosFile: "Base class for all MOS files" def __init__(self, xml): if type(xml) != ET.Element: raise TypeError("MosFile objects should be constructed using from_ classmethods") self._xml = xml self._base_tag = None
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, mos_file_path): """ Construct from a path to a MOS file :type mos_file_path: str :param mos_file_path: The MOS file path """ try: xml = ET.parse(mos_file_path).getroot() except ET.ParseError as e: raise MosInvalidXML(e) from e if cls == MosFile: return cls._classify(xml) return cls(xml)
[docs] @classmethod def from_string(cls, mos_xml_string): """ Construct from an XML string of a MOS document :type mos_xml_string: str :param mos_xml_string: The XML string of the MOS document """ try: xml = ET.fromstring(mos_xml_string) except ET.ParseError as e: raise MosInvalidXML(e) from e if cls == MosFile: return cls._classify(xml) return cls(xml)
[docs] @classmethod def from_s3(cls, bucket_name, mos_file_key): """ Construct from a MOS file in an S3 bucket :type bucket_name: str :param bucket_name: The name of the S3 bucket :type mos_file_key: str :param mos_file_key: A MOS file key within the S3 bucket """ xml = s3.get_file_contents(bucket_name, mos_file_key) return cls.from_string(xml)
@classmethod def _classify(cls, xml): "Classify the MOS type and return an instance of the relevant class" for tag, subcls in TAG_CLASS_MAP.items(): if xml.find(tag): if subcls == ElementAction: return ElementAction._classify(xml) return subcls(xml) raise UnknownMosFileType("Unable to determine MOS file type") def __repr__(self): if self.completed: return f"<{self.__class__.__name__} {self.message_id} completed>" return f"<{self.__class__.__name__} {self.message_id}>" def __str__(self): "The XML string of the MOS file" return ET.tostring(self.xml, encoding='unicode') def __lt__(self, other): "Sort by :attr:`message_id` i.e. ``ro < ss`` or ``sorted([ro, ss])``" return self.message_id < other.message_id def __gt__(self, other): "Sort by :attr:`message_id` i.e. ``ss > ro`` or ``sorted([ro, ss])``" return self.message_id > other.message_id @property def base_tag_name(self): """ The base tag (:class:`xml.etree.ElementTree.Element`) within the :attr:`xml`, as determined by :attr:`base_tag_name` """ return @property def xml(self): """ The XML element of the MOS file (:class:`xml.etree.ElementTree.Element`) """ return self._xml @property def base_tag(self): """ The base tag (:class:`xml.etree.ElementTree.Element`) within the :attr:`xml`, as determined by :attr:`base_tag_name` """ return self.xml.find(self.base_tag_name) @property def message_id(self): "The MOS file's message ID (:class:`int`)" return int(self.xml.find('messageID').text) @property def ro_id(self): "The running order ID (:class:`str`)" return self.base_tag.find('roID').text @property def dict(self): """ Convert XML to dictionary using ``xmltodict`` library. Useful for testing. (:class:`dict`) """ return xmltodict.parse(str(self)) @property def completed(self): return False def merge(self, ro): raise NotImplementedError("Merge method not implemented")
[docs]class RunningOrder(MosFile): """ A ``RunningOrder`` object is created from a ``roCreate`` MOS file and can be constructed using classmethods :meth:`from_file`, :meth:`from_string` or :meth:`from_s3`. *Specification: Create Running Order* """
[docs] def __add__(self, other): """ ``RunningOrder`` objects can be merged with other MOS files which implement a ``merge`` method by using the ``+`` operator, for example:: ro = RunningOrder.from_file('roCreate.mos.xml') ss = StorySend.from_file('roStorySend.mos.xml') ro += ss """ if self.xml.find('mosromgrmeta') is None or isinstance(other, RunningOrderControl): return other.merge(self) raise MosCompletedMergeError("Cannot merge completed MOS file")
@property def base_tag_name(self): "The name of the base XML tag for this file type (:class:`str`)" return 'roCreate' @property def ro_slug(self): "The running order slug (:class:`str`)" return self.base_tag.find('roSlug').text @property def stories(self): """ A list of :class:`~mosromgr.moselements.Story` objects within the running order """ story_tags = list(self.base_tag.findall('story')) return [ Story(story_tag, all_stories=story_tags, prog_start_time=self.start_time) for story_tag in story_tags ] @property def start_time(self): """ Transmission start time (:class:`datetime.datetime`) or ``None`` if not available in the XML """ try: ro_ed_start = self.base_tag.find('roEdStart').text except AttributeError: return if ro_ed_start is not None: return parse(ro_ed_start) @property def end_time(self): "Transmission end time (:class:`datetime.datetime`)" final_story = self.stories[-1] return final_story.end_time @property def duration(self): "Total running order duration in seconds (:class:`int`)" return sum(story.duration for story in self.stories) @property def completed(self): """ Whether or not the running order has had a :class:`RunningOrderEnd` merged (:class:`bool`) """ return self.xml.find('mosromgrmeta') is not None @property def script(self): """ A list of strings found in paragraph tags within the story bodies, excluding any empty paragraphs or technical notes in brackets. """ return list( itertools.chain.from_iterable(story.script for story in self.stories) ) @property def body(self): """ A list of elements found in the story bodies. Each item in the list is either a string (representing a ``<p>`` tag) or an :class:`~mosromgr.moselements.Item` object (representing an ``<item>`` tag). Unlike :attr:`script`, this does not exclude empty paragraph tags. """ return list( itertools.chain.from_iterable(story.body for story in self.stories) ) def _find_story(self, story_id): return [ (story.xml, i) for i, story in enumerate(self.stories) if == story_id ][0]
[docs] def inspect(self): "Print an outline of the key file contents" print("RO:", self.ro_slug) for story in self.stories: print("STORY:",
[docs]class StorySend(MosFile): """ A ``StorySend`` object is created from a ``roStorySend`` MOS file and can be constructed using classmethods :meth:`from_file`, :meth:`from_string` or :meth:`from_s3`. ``StorySend`` objects can be merged with a :class:`RunningOrder` by using the ``+`` operator. This behaviour is defined in the :meth:`merge` method in this class. *Specification: Send Story information, including Body of the Story* """ @property def base_tag_name(self): "The name of the base XML tag for this file type (:class:`str`)" return 'roStorySend' @property def story(self): "The :class:`~mosromgr.moselements.Story` object being sent" story_tag = self._convert_story_send_to_story_tag(self.base_tag) return Story(story_tag) def _convert_story_send_to_story_tag(self, ss_tag_orig): """ Converts <roStorySend> tag from roStorySend format to a <story> tag to be merged into the roCreate, i.e: <roStorySend><storyBody><storyItem>...</storyItem></storyBody></roStorySend> to <story><item>...</item></story> """ # take a copy to preserve the original ss_tag = copy.deepcopy(ss_tag_orig) # change <roStorySend> to <story> ss_tag.tag = 'story' for item in ss_tag.find('storyBody').findall('storyItem'): # change <storyItem> to <item> item.tag = 'item' story_body, story_body_index = find_child(parent=ss_tag, child_tag='storyBody') children = list(story_body) # move all children of <storyBody> to <story> for sb_index, child in enumerate(children, start=story_body_index): insert_node(parent=ss_tag, node=child, index=sb_index) remove_node(parent=ss_tag, node=story_body) return ss_tag
[docs] def merge(self, ro): """ Merge into the :class:`RunningOrder` object provided. Replaces the story tag in the running order with the one in the ``roStorySend`` message. """ try: story, story_index = ro._find_story( except IndexError: msg = f"{self.__class__.__name__} error in {self.message_id} - story not found" logger.warning(msg) warnings.warn(msg, StoryNotFoundWarning) return ro remove_node(parent=ro.base_tag, node=story) insert_node(parent=ro.base_tag, node=self.story.xml, index=story_index) return ro
[docs] def inspect(self): "Print an outline of the key file contents" print("SEND STORY:",
[docs]class MetaDataReplace(MosFile): """ A ``MetaDataReplace`` object is created from a ``roMetadataReplace`` MOS file and can be constructed using classmethods :meth:`from_file`, :meth:`from_string` or :meth:`from_s3`. ``MetaDataReplace`` objects can be merged with a :class:`RunningOrder` by using the ``+`` operator. This behaviour is defined in the :meth:`merge` method in this class. *Specification: Replace RO metadata without deleting the RO structure* """ @property def base_tag_name(self): "The name of the base XML tag for this file type (:class:`str`)" return 'roMetadataReplace' @property def ro_slug(self): "The running order slug (:class:`str`)" return self.base_tag.find('roSlug').text
[docs] def merge(self, ro): """ Merge into the :class:`RunningOrder` object provided. Replaces the metadata tags in the running order with the ones in the ``MetaDataReplace`` message. """ for source in self.base_tag: target, target_index = find_child(parent=ro.base_tag, child_tag=source.tag) if target is None: insert_node(parent=ro.base_tag, node=source, index=len(ro.base_tag)) else: replace_node(parent=ro.base_tag, old_node=target, new_node=source, index=target_index) return ro
[docs] def inspect(self): "Print an outline of the key file contents" print("NEW METATDATA:") for tag in self.base_tag: print(f" {tag.tag}:", tag.text if tag.text else '')
[docs]class StoryAppend(MosFile): """ A ``StoryAppend`` object is created from a ``roStoryAppend`` MOS file and can be constructed using classmethods :meth:`from_file`, :meth:`from_string` or :meth:`from_s3`. ``StoryAppend`` objects can be merged with a :class:`RunningOrder` by using the ``+`` operator. This behaviour is defined in the :meth:`merge` method in this class. *Specification: Append Stories to Running Order* """ @property def base_tag_name(self): "The name of the base XML tag for this file type (:class:`str`)" return 'roStoryAppend' @property def stories(self): "A list of :class:`~mosromgr.moselements.Story` objects to be appended" return [ Story(story_tag) for story_tag in self.base_tag.findall('story') ]
[docs] def merge(self, ro): """ Merge into the :class:`RunningOrder` object provided. Adds the story tag in the ``roStoryAppend`` message onto the end of the running order. """ if len(self.stories) == 0: raise MosMergeError( f"{self.__class__.__name__} error in {self.message_id} - no stories to append" ) for story in self.stories: ro.base_tag.append(story.xml) return ro
[docs] def inspect(self): "Print an outline of the key file contents" for story in self.stories: print("ADD STORY:",
[docs]class StoryDelete(MosFile): """ A ``StoryDelete`` object is created from a ``roStoryDelete`` MOS file and can be constructed using classmethods :meth:`from_file`, :meth:`from_string` or :meth:`from_s3`. ``StoryDelete`` objects can be merged with a :class:`RunningOrder` by using the ``+`` operator. This behaviour is defined in the :meth:`merge` method in this class. *Specification: Delete Stories from Running Order* """ @property def base_tag_name(self): "The name of the base XML tag for this file type (:class:`str`)" return 'roStoryDelete' @property def stories(self): "A list of :class:`~mosromgr.moselements.Story` objects to be deleted" return [ Story(self.base_tag, id=story_id.text) for story_id in self.base_tag.findall('storyID') ]
[docs] def merge(self, ro): """ Merge into the :class:`RunningOrder` object provided. Removes any story tags from the running order which are included in the ``roStoryDelete`` message. """ if len(self.stories) == 0: raise MosMergeError( f"{self.__class__.__name__} error in {self.message_id} - no stories to delete" ) for story in self.stories: found_node, found_index = find_child(parent=ro.base_tag, child_tag='story', if found_node is not None: remove_node(parent=ro.base_tag, node=found_node) else: msg = f"{self.__class__.__name__} error in {self.message_id} - story not found" logger.warning(msg) warnings.warn(msg, StoryNotFoundWarning) return ro
[docs] def inspect(self): "Print an outline of the key file contents" for story in self.stories: print("DELETE STORY:",
[docs]class ItemDelete(MosFile): """ An ``ItemDelete`` object is created from a ``roItemDelete`` MOS file and can be constructed using classmethods :meth:`from_file`, :meth:`from_string` or :meth:`from_s3`. ``ItemDelete`` objects can be merged with a :class:`RunningOrder` by using the ``+`` operator. This behaviour is defined in the :meth:`merge` method in this class. *Specification: Delete Items in Story* """ @property def base_tag_name(self): "The name of the base XML tag for this file type (:class:`str`)" return 'roItemDelete' @property def story(self): """ The :class:`~mosromgr.moselements.Story` object containing the items being deleted """ return Story(self.base_tag, unknown_items=True) @property def items(self): """ A tuple of the two :class:`~mosromgr.moselements.Item` objects being deleted """ return tuple( Item(self.base_tag, id=item_id.text) for item_id in self.base_tag.findall('itemID') )
[docs] def merge(self, ro): """ Merge into the :class:`RunningOrder` object provided. Deletes any item tags with the IDs specified in the ``roItemDelete`` message from the running order. """ if self.story is None: raise MosMergeError( f"{self.__class__.__name__} error in {self.message_id} - no story to delete items from" ) story, story_index = find_child(parent=ro.base_tag, child_tag='story', if story is None: raise MosMergeError( f"{self.__class__.__name__} error in {self.message_id} - story not found" ) if len(self.items) == 0: raise MosMergeError( f"{self.__class__.__name__} error in {self.message_id} - no items to delete" ) for item in self.items: found_node, found_index = find_child(parent=story, child_tag='item', if found_node is None: msg = f"{self.__class__.__name__} error in {self.message_id} - item not found" logger.warning(msg) warnings.warn(msg, ItemNotFoundWarning) else: remove_node(parent=story, node=found_node) return ro
[docs] def inspect(self): "Print an outline of the key file contents" print("IN STORY:", for item in self.items: print(" DELETE ITEM:",
[docs]class StoryInsert(MosFile): """ A ``StoryInsert`` object is created from a ``roStoryInsert`` MOS file and can be constructed using classmethods :meth:`from_file`, :meth:`from_string` or :meth:`from_s3`. ``StoryInsert`` objects can be merged with a :class:`RunningOrder` by using the ``+`` operator. This behaviour is defined in the :meth:`merge` method in this class. *Specification: Insert Stories in Running Order* """ @property def base_tag_name(self): "The name of the base XML tag for this file type (:class:`str`)" return 'roStoryInsert' @property def target_story(self): """ The :class:`~mosromgr.moselements.Story` object above which the source stories are to be inserted """ return Story(self.base_tag, unknown_items=True) @property def source_stories(self): "A list of :class:`~mosromgr.moselements.Story` objects to be inserted" return [ Story(story_tag) for story_tag in self.base_tag.findall('story') ]
[docs] def merge(self, ro): """ Merge into the :class:`RunningOrder` object provided. Inserts the story tags from the ``roStoryInsert`` message into the running order. """ if is None: raise MosMergeError( f"{self.__class__.__name__} error in {self.message_id} - no target story given" ) story, story_index = find_child(parent=ro.base_tag, child_tag='story', if story_index is None: raise MosMergeError( f"{self.__class__.__name__} error in {self.message_id} - target story not found" ) if len(self.source_stories) == 0: raise MosMergeError( f"{self.__class__.__name__} error in {self.message_id} - no story to insert" ) ro_story_ids = { for story in ro.stories} for i, new_story in enumerate(self.source_stories, start=story_index): if in ro_story_ids: msg = f"{self.__class__.__name__} error in {self.message_id} - story already found in running order" logger.warning(msg) warnings.warn(msg, DuplicateStoryWarning) continue insert_node(parent=ro.base_tag, node=new_story.xml, index=i) return ro
[docs] def inspect(self): "Print an outline of the key file contents" print("AFTER STORY:", for story in self.source_stories: print(" INSERT STORY:",
[docs]class ItemInsert(MosFile): """ An ``ItemInsert`` object is created from a ``roItemInsert`` MOS file and can be constructed using classmethods :meth:`from_file`, :meth:`from_string` or :meth:`from_s3`. ``ItemInsert`` objects can be merged with a :class:`RunningOrder` by using the ``+`` operator. This behaviour is defined in the :meth:`merge` method in this class. *Specification: Insert Items in Story* """ @property def base_tag_name(self): "The name of the base XML tag for this file type (:class:`str`)" return 'roItemInsert' @property def story(self): """ The :class:`~mosromgr.moselements.Story` object into which the items are to be inserted """ return Story(self.base_tag, unknown_items=True) @property def item(self): """ The :class:`~mosromgr.moselements.Item` object above which the items are to be inserted """ return Item(self.base_tag) @property def items(self): "A list of :class:`~mosromgr.moselements.Item` objects to be inserted" return [ Item(item) for item in self.base_tag.findall('item') ]
[docs] def merge(self, ro): """ Merge into the :class:`RunningOrder` object provided. Inserts the item tags from the ``roItemInsert`` message into the relevant story in the running order. """ if is None: raise MosMergeError( f"{self.__class__.__name__} error in {self.message_id} - no target storyID" ) story, story_index = find_child(parent=ro.base_tag, child_tag='story', if story is None: raise MosMergeError( f"{self.__class__.__name__} error in {self.message_id} - target story not found" ) if is None: item_index = len(story.findall('item')) else: target_item, item_index = find_child(parent=story, child_tag='item', if len(self.items) == 0: raise MosMergeError( f"{self.__class__.__name__} error in {self.message_id} - no items to insert" ) for i, item in enumerate(self.items, start=item_index): insert_node(parent=story, node=item.xml, index=i) return ro
[docs] def inspect(self): "Print an outline of the key file contents" print("IN STORY:", for item in self.items: print("INSERT ITEM:",
[docs]class StoryMove(MosFile): """ A ``StoryMove`` object is created from a ``roStoryMove`` MOS file and can be constructed using classmethods :meth:`from_file`, :meth:`from_string` or :meth:`from_s3`. ``StoryMove`` objects can be merged with a :class:`RunningOrder` by using the ``+`` operator. This behaviour is defined in the :meth:`merge` method in this class. *Specification: Move a story to a new position in the Playlist* """ @property def base_tag_name(self): "The name of the base XML tag for this file type (:class:`str`)" return 'roStoryMove' @property def target_story(self): """ The :class:`~mosromgr.moselements.Story` object above which the source story is to be moved """ source, target = self.base_tag.findall('storyID') return Story(self.base_tag, id=target.text, unknown_items=True) @property def source_story(self): "The :class:`~mosromgr.moselements.Story` object to be moved" source, target = self.base_tag.findall('storyID') return Story(self.base_tag, id=source.text)
[docs] def merge(self, ro): """ Merge into the :class:`RunningOrder` object provided. Moves the source story to the position above the target story. """ if is None: target_story_index = len(ro.stories) else: target_story, target_story_index = find_child(parent=ro.base_tag, child_tag='story', if target_story is None: raise MosMergeError( f"{self.__class__.__name__} error in {self.message_id} - target story not found" ) source_story, source_index = find_child(parent=ro.base_tag, child_tag='story', if source_story is None: raise MosMergeError( f"{self.__class__.__name__} error in {self.message_id} - source story not found" ) remove_node(parent=ro.base_tag, node=source_story) insert_node(parent=ro.base_tag, node=source_story, index=target_story_index) return ro
[docs] def inspect(self): "Print an outline of the key file contents" print("MOVE STORY:",
[docs]class ItemMoveMultiple(MosFile): """ An ``ItemMoveMultiple`` object is created from a ``roItemMoveMultiple`` MOS file and can be constructed using classmethods :meth:`from_file`, :meth:`from_string` or :meth:`from_s3`. ``ItemMoveMultiple`` objects can be merged with a :class:`RunningOrder` by using the ``+`` operator. This behaviour is defined in the :meth:`merge` method in this class. *Specification: Move one or more Items to a specified position within a Story* """ @property def base_tag_name(self): "The name of the base XML tag for this file type (:class:`str`)" return 'roItemMoveMultiple' @property def story(self): """ The :class:`~mosromgr.moselements.Story` object containing the items being moved """ return Story(self.base_tag, unknown_items=True) @property def item(self): """ The :class:`~mosromgr.moselements.Item` object above which the items will be moved """ target = self.base_tag.findall('itemID')[-1] return Item(self.base_tag, id=target.text) @property def items(self): "A list of :class:`~mosromgr.moselements.Item` objects to be moved" items = self.base_tag.findall('itemID')[:-1] return [ Item(self.base_tag, id=item.text) for item in items ]
[docs] def merge(self, ro): """ Merge into the :class:`RunningOrder` object provided. Moves item tags in the ``roItemMove`` message to a new position within the story. """ if is None: raise MosMergeError( f"{self.__class__.__name__} error in {self.message_id} - no story given" ) story, story_index = find_child(parent=ro.base_tag, child_tag='story', if story is None: raise MosMergeError( f"{self.__class__.__name__} error in {self.message_id} - story not found" ) if is None: target_item_index = len(self.story.items) else: target_item_node, target_item_index = find_child(parent=story, child_tag='item', if target_item_node is None: raise MosMergeError( f"{self.__class__.__name__} error in {self.message_id} - target item not found" ) for i, item in enumerate(self.items, start=target_item_index): source_item, source_item_index = find_child(parent=story, child_tag='item', if source_item_index is None: raise MosMergeError( f"{self.__class__.__name__} error in {self.message_id} - source item not found" ) remove_node(parent=story, node=source_item) insert_node(parent=story, node=source_item, index=i) return ro
[docs] def inspect(self): "Print an outline of the key file contents" print("IN STORY:", for item in self.items: print(" MOVE ITEM:",
[docs]class StoryReplace(MosFile): """ A ``StoryReplace`` object is created from a ``roStoryReplace`` MOS file and can be constructed using classmethods :meth:`from_file`, :meth:`from_string` or :meth:`from_s3`. ``StoryReplace`` objects can be merged with a :class:`RunningOrder` by using the ``+`` operator. This behaviour is defined in the :meth:`merge` method in this class. *Specification: Replace a Story with Another in a Running Order* """ @property def base_tag_name(self): "The name of the base XML tag for this file type (:class:`str`)" return 'roStoryReplace' @property def story(self): "The :class:`~mosromgr.moselements.Story` object being replaced" return Story(self.base_tag, unknown_items=True) @property def stories(self): "A list of replacement :class:`~mosromgr.moselements.Story` objects" return [ Story(story_tag) for story_tag in self.base_tag.findall('story') ]
[docs] def merge(self, ro): """ Merge into the :class:`RunningOrder` object provided. Replaces the story tag in the running order with the one in the ``roStoryReplace`` message. """ if is None: raise MosMergeError( f"{self.__class__.__name__} error in {self.message_id} - no target story given" ) story, story_index = find_child(parent=ro.base_tag, child_tag='story', if story is None: raise MosMergeError( f"{self.__class__.__name__} error in {self.message_id} - target story not found" ) remove_node(parent=ro.base_tag, node=story) if len(self.stories) == 0: raise MosMergeError( f"{self.__class__.__name__} error in {self.message_id} - no stories to insert" ) for i, new_story in enumerate(self.stories, start=story_index): insert_node(parent=ro.base_tag, node=new_story.xml, index=i) return ro
[docs] def inspect(self): "Print an outline of the key file contents" print("REPLACE STORY:",, "WITH:") for story in self.stories: print(" STORY:",
[docs]class ItemReplace(MosFile): """ An ``ItemReplace`` object is created from a ``roItemReplace`` MOS file and can be constructed using classmethods :meth:`from_file`, :meth:`from_string` or :meth:`from_s3`. ``ItemReplace`` objects can be merged with a :class:`RunningOrder` by using the ``+`` operator. This behaviour is defined in the :meth:`merge` method in this class. *Specification: Replace an Item with one or more Items in a Story* """ @property def base_tag_name(self): "The name of the base XML tag for this file type (:class:`str`)" return 'roItemReplace' @property def story(self): """ The :class:`~mosromgr.moselements.Story` object containing the item being replaced """ return Story(self.base_tag, unknown_items=True) @property def item(self): "The :class:`~mosromgr.moselements.Item` object being replaced" return Item(self.base_tag) @property def items(self): "A list of replacement :class:`~mosromgr.moselements.Item` objects" return [ Item(item_tag) for item_tag in self.base_tag.findall('item') ]
[docs] def merge(self, ro): """ Merge into the :class:`RunningOrder` object provided. Replaces the item tag in the story in the running order with the ones in the ``roItemReplace`` message """ if is None: raise MosMergeError( f"{self.__class__.__name__} error in {self.message_id} - no story given" ) story, story_index = find_child(parent=ro.base_tag, child_tag='story', if story is None: msg = f"{self.__class__.__name__} error in {self.message_id} - story not found" logger.warning(msg) warnings.warn(msg, StoryNotFoundWarning) return ro if is None: raise MosMergeError( f"{self.__class__.__name__} error in {self.message_id} - no target item given" ) item, item_index = find_child(parent=story, child_tag='item', if item is None: msg = f"{self.__class__.__name__} error in {self.message_id} - target item not found" logger.warning(msg) warnings.warn(msg, ItemNotFoundWarning) return ro remove_node(parent=story, node=item) for i, item in enumerate(self.items, start=item_index): insert_node(parent=story, node=item.xml, index=i) return ro
[docs] def inspect(self): "Print an outline of the key file contents" print("IN STORY:", print("REPLACE ITEM:",, "WITH:") for item in self.items: print(" ITEM:",
[docs]class ReadyToAir(MosFile): """ A ``ReadyToAir`` object is created from a ``roReadyToAir`` MOS file and can be constructed using classmethods :meth:`from_file`, :meth:`from_string` or :meth:`from_s3`. ``ReadyToAir`` objects can be merged with a :class:`RunningOrder` by using the ``+`` operator. This behaviour is defined in the :meth:`merge` method in this class. *Specification: Identify a Running Order as Ready to Air* """ @property def base_tag_name(self): "The name of the base XML tag for this file type (:class:`str`)" return 'roReadyToAir'
[docs] def merge(self, ro): """ Merge into the :class:`RunningOrder` object provided. Currently unimplemented - has no effect on the running order. TODO: #18 """ return ro
[docs] def inspect(self): "Print an outline of the key file contents" print("READY TO AIR")
[docs]class RunningOrderReplace(RunningOrder): """ An ``RunningOrderReplace`` object is created from a ``roReplace`` MOS file and can be constructed using classmethods :meth:`from_file`, :meth:`from_string` or :meth:`from_s3`. ``RunningOrderReplace`` objects can be merged with a :class:`RunningOrder` by using the ``+`` operator. This behaviour is defined in the :meth:`merge` method in this class. *Specification: Replace Running Order* """ @property def base_tag_name(self): "The name of the base XML tag for this file type (:class:`str`)" return 'roReplace'
[docs] def merge(self, ro): """ Merge into the :class:`RunningOrder` object provided. Replaces the entire ``roCreate`` tag in the running order with the one in the ``roReplace`` message. """ rc, rc_index = find_child(parent=ro.xml, child_tag='roCreate') if rc is None: raise MosMergeError( f"{self.__class__.__name__} error in {self.message_id} - roCreate not found" ) rr = copy.deepcopy(self.base_tag) rr.tag = 'roCreate' remove_node(parent=ro.xml, node=ro.base_tag) insert_node(parent=ro.xml, node=rr, index=rc_index) return ro
[docs] def inspect(self): "Print an outline of the key file contents" print("REPLACE RO:") for tag in self.base_tag: if tag.text.strip(): print("", tag.tag + ":", tag.text.strip())
[docs]class RunningOrderEnd(MosFile): """ A ``RunningOrderEnd`` object is created from a ``roDelete`` MOS file and can be constructed using classmethods :meth:`from_file`, :meth:`from_string` or :meth:`from_s3`. ``RunningOrderEnd`` objects can be merged with a :class:`RunningOrder` by using the ``+`` operator. This behaviour is defined in the :meth:`merge` method in this class. Once a ``RunningOrderEnd`` object has been merged into a :class:`RunningOrder`, the running order is considered "completed" and no further messages can be merged (with the exception of :class:`RunningOrderControl`). *Specification: Delete Running Order* """ @property def base_tag_name(self): "The name of the base XML tag for this file type (:class:`str`)" return 'roDelete' @property def completed(self): return False
[docs] def merge(self, ro): """ Merge into the :class:`RunningOrder` object provided. Adds a ``mosromgrmeta`` tag containing the ``roDelete`` tag from the ``roDelete`` message to the ``roCreate`` tag in the running order. """ mosromgrmeta = ET.SubElement(ro.xml, 'mosromgrmeta') mosromgrmeta.append(self.base_tag) return ro
[docs] def inspect(self): "Print an outline of the key file contents" print("RO DELETE:", self.ro_id)
[docs]class ElementAction(MosFile): "Base class for various ``roElementAction`` MOS files" @classmethod def _classify(cls, xml): "Classify the MOS type and return an instance of the relevant class" ea = xml.find('roElementAction') subcls = EA_CLASS_MAP[ea.attrib['operation']](ea) return subcls(xml) @property def base_tag_name(self): "The name of the base XML tag for this file type (:class:`str`)" return 'roElementAction'
[docs]class EAStoryReplace(ElementAction): """ An ``EAStoryReplace`` object is created from a ``roElementAction`` MOS file containing a story replacement, and can be constructed using classmethods :meth:`from_file`, :meth:`from_string` or :meth:`from_s3`. ``EAStoryReplace`` objects can be merged with a :class:`RunningOrder` by using the ``+`` operator. This behaviour is defined in the :meth:`merge` method in this class. *Specification: Replacing a story* """ @property def story(self): "The :class:`~mosromgr.moselements.Story` object being replaced" return Story(self.base_tag.find('element_target'), unknown_items=True) @property def stories(self): "A list of replacement :class:`~mosromgr.moselements.Story` objects" return [ Story(story_tag) for story_tag in self.base_tag.find('element_source').findall('story') ]
[docs] def merge(self, ro): """ Merge into the :class:`RunningOrder` object provided. Replaces the ``element_target`` story tag in the running order with any story tags found in the ``element_source`` in the ``roElementAction`` message. """ story, story_index = find_child(parent=ro.base_tag, child_tag='story', if story is None: raise MosMergeError( f"{self.__class__.__name__} error in {self.message_id} - target story not given" ) if len(self.stories) == 0: raise MosMergeError( f"{self.__class__.__name__} error in {self.message_id} - no source stories given" ) remove_node(parent=ro.base_tag, node=story) for i, new_story in enumerate(self.stories, start=story_index): insert_node(parent=ro.base_tag, node=new_story.xml, index=i) return ro
[docs] def inspect(self): "Print an outline of the key file contents" print("REPLACE STORY:",, "WITH:") for story in self.stories: print(" STORY:",
[docs]class EAItemReplace(ElementAction): """ An ``EAItemReplace`` object is created from a ``roElementAction`` MOS file containing an item replacement, and can be constructed using classmethods :meth:`from_file`, :meth:`from_string` or :meth:`from_s3`. ``EAItemReplace`` objects can be merged with a :class:`RunningOrder` by using the ``+`` operator. This behaviour is defined in the :meth:`merge` method in this class. *Specification: Replacing an item* """ @property def story(self): """ The :class:`~mosromgr.moselements.Story` object containing the item being replaced """ return Story(self.base_tag.find('element_target'), unknown_items=True) @property def item(self): "The :class:`~mosromgr.moselements.Item` object being replaced" return Item(self.base_tag.find('element_target')) @property def items(self): "A list of replacement :class:`~mosromgr.moselements.Item` objects" return [ Item(item_tag) for item_tag in self.base_tag.find('element_source').findall('item') ]
[docs] def merge(self, ro): """ Merge into the :class:`RunningOrder` object provided. Replaces the target item tag in the target story in the running order with any item tags found in the ``element_source`` in the ``roElementAction`` message. """ story, story_index = find_child(parent=ro.base_tag, child_tag='story', if story is None: msg = f"{self.__class__.__name__} error in {self.message_id} - target story not given" logger.warning(msg) warnings.warn(msg, StoryNotFoundWarning) return ro if is None: raise MosMergeError( f"{self.__class__.__name__} error in {self.message_id} - target item not given" ) item, item_index = find_child(parent=story, child_tag='item', if item is None: msg = f"{self.__class__.__name__} error in {self.message_id} - target item not given" logger.warning(msg) warnings.warn(msg, ItemNotFoundWarning) return ro if len(self.items) == 0: msg = f"{self.__class__.__name__} error in {self.message_id} - no new items given" logger.warning(msg) warnings.warn(msg, ItemNotFoundWarning) return ro remove_node(parent=story, node=item) for i, new_item in enumerate(self.items, start=item_index): insert_node(parent=story, node=new_item.xml, index=i) return ro
[docs] def inspect(self): "Print an outline of the key file contents" print("IN STORY:", print("REPLACE ITEM:",, "WITH:") for item in self.items: print(" ITEM:",
[docs]class EAStoryDelete(ElementAction): """ An ``EAStoryDelete`` object is created from a ``roElementAction`` MOS file containing a story deletion, and can be constructed using classmethods :meth:`from_file`, :meth:`from_string` or :meth:`from_s3`. ``EAStoryDelete`` objects can be merged with a :class:`RunningOrder` by using the ``+`` operator. This behaviour is defined in the :meth:`merge` method in this class. *Specification: Deleting stories* """ @property def stories(self): "A list of :class:`~mosromgr.moselements.Story` objects to be deleted" return [ Story(story_tag) for story_tag in self.base_tag.findall('element_source') ]
[docs] def merge(self, ro): """ Merge into the :class:`RunningOrder` object provided. Removes any stories specified in ``element_source`` in the ``roElementAction`` message from the running order. """ if len(self.stories) == 0: msg = f"{self.__class__.__name__} error in {self.message_id} - no stories given" logger.warning(msg) warnings.warn(msg, StoryNotFoundWarning) for source_story in self.stories: story, story_index = find_child(parent=ro.base_tag, child_tag='story', if story is None: msg = f"{self.__class__.__name__} error in {self.message_id} - story not found" logger.warning(msg) warnings.warn(msg, StoryNotFoundWarning) else: remove_node(parent=ro.base_tag, node=story) return ro
[docs] def inspect(self): "Print an outline of the key file contents" for story in self.stories: print("DELETE STORY:",
[docs]class EAItemDelete(ElementAction): """ An ``EAItemDelete`` object is created from a ``roElementAction`` MOS file containing an item deletion, and can be constructed using classmethods :meth:`from_file`, :meth:`from_string` or :meth:`from_s3`. ``EAItemDelete`` objects can be merged with a :class:`RunningOrder` by using the ``+`` operator. This behaviour is defined in the :meth:`merge` method in this class. *Specification: Deleting items* """ @property def story(self): """ The :class:`~mosromgr.moselements.Story` object containing the items being deleted """ return Story(self.base_tag.find('element_target'), unknown_items=True) @property def items(self): "A list of :class:`~mosromgr.moselements.Item` objects being deleted" return [ Item(item_tag) for item_tag in self.base_tag.findall('element_source') ]
[docs] def merge(self, ro): """ Merge into the :class:`RunningOrder` object provided. Deletes any items specified in the ``element_target`` in the ``roStorySend`` message from the specified story in the running order. """ if is None: raise MosMergeError( f"{self.__class__.__name__} error in {self.message_id} - no story given" ) story, story_index = find_child(parent=ro.base_tag, child_tag='story', if story is None: msg = f"{self.__class__.__name__} error in {self.message_id} - item not found" logger.warning(msg) warnings.warn(msg, StoryNotFoundWarning) for source_item in self.items: item, item_index = find_child(parent=story, child_tag='item', if item is None: msg = f"{self.__class__.__name__} error in {self.message_id} - item not found" logger.warning(msg) warnings.warn(msg, ItemNotFoundWarning) else: remove_node(parent=story, node=item) return ro
[docs] def inspect(self): "Print an outline of the key file contents" print("IN STORY:", for item in self.items: print(" DELETE ITEM:",
[docs]class EAStoryInsert(ElementAction): """ An ``EAStoryInsert`` object is created from a ``roElementAction`` MOS file containing a story insertion, and can be constructed using classmethods :meth:`from_file`, :meth:`from_string` or :meth:`from_s3`. ``EAStoryInsert`` objects can be merged with a :class:`RunningOrder` by using the ``+`` operator. This behaviour is defined in the :meth:`merge` method in this class. *Specification: Inserting stories* """ @property def story(self): """ The :class:`~mosromgr.moselements.Story` object above which the source story will be inserted """ return Story(self.base_tag.find('element_target'), unknown_items=True) @property def stories(self): "The :class:`~mosromgr.moselements.Story` objects to be inserted" return [ Story(story_tag) for story_tag in self.base_tag.find('element_source').findall('story') ]
[docs] def merge(self, ro): """ Merge into the :class:`RunningOrder` object provided. Inserts any story tags found in the ``element_source`` in the ``roElementAction`` message into the running order. """ if is None: story_index = len(ro.stories) else: story, story_index = find_child(parent=ro.base_tag, child_tag='story', if story is None: raise MosMergeError( f"{self.__class__.__name__} error in {self.message_id} - target story not found" ) if len(self.stories) == 0: raise MosMergeError( f"{self.__class__.__name__} error in {self.message_id} - no source stories given" ) ro_story_ids = { for story in ro.stories} for i, new_story in enumerate(self.stories, start=story_index): if in ro_story_ids: msg = f"{self.__class__.__name__} error in {self.message_id} - story already found in running order" logger.warning(msg) warnings.warn(msg, DuplicateStoryWarning) continue insert_node(parent=ro.base_tag, node=new_story.xml, index=i) return ro
[docs] def inspect(self): "Print an outline of the key file contents" print("AFTER STORY:", for story in self.stories: print(" INSERT STORY:",
[docs]class EAItemInsert(ElementAction): """ An ``EAItemInsert`` object is created from a ``roElementAction`` MOS file containing an item insertion, and can be constructed using classmethods :meth:`from_file`, :meth:`from_string` or :meth:`from_s3`. ``EAItemInsert`` objects can be merged with a :class:`RunningOrder` by using the ``+`` operator. This behaviour is defined in the :meth:`merge` method in this class. *Specification: Inserting items* """ @property def story(self): """ The :class:`~mosromgr.moselements.Story` object into which the item is to be inserted """ return Story(self.base_tag.find('element_target'), unknown_items=True) @property def item(self): """ The :class:`~mosromgr.moselements.Item` object above which the source item is to be be inserted """ return Item(self.base_tag.find('element_target')) @property def items(self): "A list of :class:`~mosromgr.moselements.Item` objects to be inserted" return [ Item(item_tag) for item_tag in self.base_tag.find('element_source').findall('item') ]
[docs] def merge(self, ro): """ Merge into the :class:`RunningOrder` object provided. Inserts any item tags found in the ``element_source`` in the ``roElementAction`` message into the relevant story in the running order. """ if is None: raise MosMergeError( f"{self.__class__.__name__} error in {self.message_id} - story not given" ) story, story_index = find_child(parent=ro.base_tag, child_tag='story', if story is None: raise MosMergeError( f"{self.__class__.__name__} error in {self.message_id} - story not found" ) if is None: item_index = len(story.findall('item')) else: item, item_index = find_child(parent=story, child_tag='item', for i, new_item in enumerate(self.items, start=item_index): insert_node(parent=story, node=new_item.xml, index=i) return ro
[docs] def inspect(self): "Print an outline of the key file contents" print("IN STORY:", print(" BEFORE ITEM:", for item in self.items: print(" INSERT ITEM:",
[docs]class EAStorySwap(ElementAction): """ An ``EAStorySwap`` object is created from a ``roElementAction`` MOS file containing a story swap, and can be constructed using classmethods :meth:`from_file`, :meth:`from_string` or :meth:`from_s3`. ``EAStorySwap`` objects can be merged with a :class:`RunningOrder` by using the ``+`` operator. This behaviour is defined in the :meth:`merge` method in this class. *Specification: Swapping stories* """ @property def stories(self): """ A tuple of the two :class:`~mosromgr.moselements.Story` objects to be swapped """ source = self.base_tag.find('element_source') return tuple( Story(source, id=story_id.text) for story_id in source.findall('storyID') )
[docs] def merge(self, ro): """ Merge into the :class:`RunningOrder` object provided. Swaps the order of the two story tags specified in ``element_source`` in the ``roElementAction`` message in the running order. """ source_story_1, source_story_2 = self.stories if is None: raise MosMergeError( f"{self.__class__.__name__} error in {self.message_id} - story 1 not given" ) story1, story1_index = find_child(parent=ro.base_tag, child_tag='story', if story1 is None: raise MosMergeError( f"{self.__class__.__name__} error in {self.message_id} - story 1 not found" ) if is None: raise MosMergeError( f"{self.__class__.__name__} error in {self.message_id} - story 2 not given" ) story2, story2_index = find_child(parent=ro.base_tag, child_tag='story', if story2 is None: raise MosMergeError( f"{self.__class__.__name__} error in {self.message_id} - story 2 not found" ) remove_node(parent=ro.base_tag, node=story1) remove_node(parent=ro.base_tag, node=story2) insert_node(parent=ro.base_tag, node=story2, index=story1_index) insert_node(parent=ro.base_tag, node=story1, index=story2_index) return ro
[docs] def inspect(self): "Print an outline of the key file contents" story1, story2 = self.stories print("SWAP STORY:", print("WITH STORY:",
[docs]class EAItemSwap(ElementAction): """ An ``EAItemSwap`` object is created from a ``roElementAction`` MOS file containing an item swap, and can be constructed using classmethods :meth:`from_file`, :meth:`from_string` or :meth:`from_s3`. ``EAItemSwap`` objects can be merged with a :class:`RunningOrder` by using the ``+`` operator. This behaviour is defined in the :meth:`merge` method in this class. *Specification: Swapping items* """ @property def story(self): """ The :class:`~mosromgr.moselements.Story` object containing the items being swapped """ return Story(self.base_tag.find('element_target'), unknown_items=True) @property def items(self): "A tuple of the two :class:`~mosromgr.moselements.Item` objects to be swapped" source = self.base_tag.find('element_source') return tuple( Item(source, id=item_id.text) for item_id in source.findall('itemID') )
[docs] def merge(self, ro): """ Merge into the :class:`RunningOrder` object provided. Swaps the order of the two item tags specified in ``element_source`` in the ``roElementAction`` message in the relevant story in the running order. """ if is None: raise MosMergeError( f"{self.__class__.__name__} error in {self.message_id} - story not given" ) story, story_index = find_child(parent=ro.base_tag, child_tag='story', if story is None: raise MosMergeError( f"{self.__class__.__name__} error in {self.message_id} - story not found" ) source_item_1, source_item_2 = self.items if is None: raise MosMergeError( f"{self.__class__.__name__} error in {self.message_id} - item 1 not given" ) item1, item1_index = find_child(parent=story, child_tag='item', if item1 is None: raise MosMergeError( f"{self.__class__.__name__} error in {self.message_id} - item 1 not found" ) if is None: raise MosMergeError( f"{self.__class__.__name__} error in {self.message_id} - item 2 not given" ) item2, item2_index = find_child(parent=story, child_tag='item', if item2 is None: raise MosMergeError( f"{self.__class__.__name__} error in {self.message_id} - item 2 not found" ) remove_node(parent=story, node=item1) remove_node(parent=story, node=item2) insert_node(parent=story, node=item2, index=item1_index) insert_node(parent=story, node=item1, index=item2_index) return ro
[docs] def inspect(self): "Print an outline of the key file contents" print("IN STORY:", item1, item2 = self.items print(" SWAP ITEM:", print(" WITH ITEM:",
[docs]class EAStoryMove(ElementAction): """ An ``EAStoryMove`` object is created from a ``roElementAction`` MOS file containing a story move, and can be constructed using classmethods :meth:`from_file`, :meth:`from_string` or :meth:`from_s3`. ``EAStoryMove`` objects can be merged with a :class:`RunningOrder` by using the ``+`` operator. This behaviour is defined in the :meth:`merge` method in this class. *Specification: Moving stories* """ @property def story(self): """ The :class:`~mosromgr.moselements.Story` object above which the other stories will be moved """ return Story(self.base_tag.find('element_target'), unknown_items=True) @property def stories(self): "A list of :class:`~mosromgr.moselements.Story` objects being moved" return [ Story(story_tag) for story_tag in self.base_tag.findall('element_source') ]
[docs] def merge(self, ro): """ Merge into the :class:`RunningOrder` object provided. Moves story tags in ``element_source`` to the specified location in the running order. """ if is None: target_story_index = len(ro.stories) else: target_story, target_story_index = find_child(parent=ro.base_tag, child_tag='story', if target_story is None: raise MosMergeError( f"{self.__class__.__name__} error in {self.message_id} - target story not found" ) if len(self.stories) == 0: msg = f"{self.__class__.__name__} error in {self.message_id} - no source stories given" logger.warning(msg) warnings.warn(msg, StoryNotFoundWarning) for source_story in self.stories: story, source_index = find_child(parent=ro.base_tag, child_tag='story', if story is None: raise MosMergeError( f"{self.__class__.__name__} error in {self.message_id} - source story not found" ) remove_node(parent=ro.base_tag, node=story) insert_node(parent=ro.base_tag, node=story, index=target_story_index) return ro
[docs] def inspect(self): "Print an outline of the key file contents" for story in self.stories: print("MOVE STORY:",
[docs]class EAItemMove(ElementAction): """ An ``EAItemMove`` object is created from a ``roElementAction`` MOS file containing an item move, and can be constructed using classmethods :meth:`from_file`, :meth:`from_string` or :meth:`from_s3`. ``EAItemMove`` objects can be merged with a :class:`RunningOrder` by using the ``+`` operator. This behaviour is defined in the :meth:`merge` method in this class. *Specification: Moving items* """ @property def story(self): """ The :class:`~mosromgr.moselements.Story` object containing the item being replaced """ return Story(self.base_tag.find('element_target'), unknown_items=True) @property def item(self): """ The :class:`~mosromgr.moselements.Item` object above which the source items will be moved """ return Item(self.base_tag.find('element_target')) @property def items(self): "A list of :class:`~mosromgr.moselements.Item` objects to be moved" source = self.base_tag.find('element_source') return [ Item(source, id=item.text) for item in source.findall('itemID') ]
[docs] def merge(self, ro): """ Merge into the :class:`RunningOrder` object provided. Moves item tags in ``element_source`` to the specified location in the story in the running order. """ if is None: raise MosMergeError( f"{self.__class__.__name__} error in {self.message_id} - source story not given" ) story, story_index = find_child(parent=ro.base_tag, child_tag='story', if story is None: raise MosMergeError( f"{self.__class__.__name__} error in {self.message_id} - story not found" ) target_item, target_item_index = find_child(parent=story, child_tag='item', if target_item is None: raise MosMergeError( f"{self.__class__.__name__} error in {self.message_id} - target item not found" ) for i, source_item in enumerate(self.items, start=target_item_index): item, item_index = find_child(parent=story, child_tag='item', if item is None: raise MosMergeError( f"{self.__class__.__name__} error in {self.message_id} - source item not found" ) remove_node(parent=story, node=item) insert_node(parent=story, node=item, index=i) return ro
[docs] def inspect(self): "Print an outline of the key file contents" print("IN STORY:", for item in self.items: print(" MOVE ITEM:",
[docs]class RunningOrderControl(MosFile): """ A ``RunningOrderControl`` object is created from a ``roCtrl`` MOS file and can be constructed using classmethods :meth:`from_file`, :meth:`from_string` or :meth:`from_s3`. *Specification: Running Order Control* TODO: generalise this class #20 """ @property def base_tag_name(self): "The name of the base XML tag for this file type (:class:`str`)" return 'roCtrl' @property def story(self): "The story to which this roCtrl message relates" return Story(xml=self.base_tag)
[docs] def merge(self, ro): """ Merge into the :class:`RunningOrder` object provided. Replaces the story tag in the running order with the one in the ``roStorySend`` message """ if is None: msg = f"{self.__class__.__name__} error in {self.message_id} - story not given" logger.warning(msg) warnings.warn(msg, StoryNotFoundWarning) story, story_index = find_child(parent=ro.base_tag, child_tag='story', if story is None: msg = f"{self.__class__.__name__} error in {self.message_id} - story not found" logger.warning(msg) warnings.warn(msg, StoryNotFoundWarning) else: ro_story_payload = story.find('mosExternalMetadata').find('mosPayload') for new_tag in self.story.xml.find('mosExternalMetadata').find('mosPayload'): if new_tag.text: old_tag, old_tag_index = find_child(parent=ro_story_payload, child_tag=new_tag.tag, id=None) if old_tag is None: append_node(parent=ro_story_payload, node=new_tag) else: replace_node(parent=ro_story_payload, old_node=old_tag, new_node=new_tag, index=old_tag_index) return ro
[docs] def inspect(self): "Print an outline of the key file contents" print("RO CTRL FOR STORY:",
TAG_CLASS_MAP = { 'roCreate': RunningOrder, 'roStorySend': StorySend, 'roStoryAppend': StoryAppend, 'roStoryDelete': StoryDelete, 'roStoryInsert': StoryInsert, 'roStoryMove': StoryMove, 'roStoryReplace': StoryReplace, 'roItemDelete': ItemDelete, 'roItemInsert': ItemInsert, 'roItemMoveMultiple': ItemMoveMultiple, 'roItemReplace': ItemReplace, 'roReplace': RunningOrderReplace, 'roMetadataReplace': MetaDataReplace, 'roReadyToAir': ReadyToAir, 'roDelete': RunningOrderEnd, 'roElementAction': ElementAction, 'roCtrl': RunningOrderControl, } EA_CLASS_MAP = { 'REPLACE': lambda ea: EAStoryReplace if ea.find('element_target').find('itemID') is None else EAItemReplace, 'DELETE': lambda ea: EAStoryDelete if ea.find('element_target') is None else EAItemDelete, 'INSERT': lambda ea: EAStoryInsert if ea.find('element_target').find('itemID') is None else EAItemInsert, 'SWAP': lambda ea: EAStorySwap if ea.find('element_target') is None else EAItemSwap, 'MOVE': lambda ea: EAStoryMove if ea.find('element_target').find('itemID') is None else EAItemMove, }