Source code for mosromgr.moscollection

# mosromgr: Python library for managing MOS running orders
# Copyright 2021 BBC
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

import logging
import warnings

from .mostypes import MosFile, RunningOrder, RunningOrderEnd
from .utils import s3
from .exc import MosMergeError, InvalidMosCollection, MosMergeNonStrictWarning

logger = logging.getLogger('mosromgr.moscollection')

[docs]class MosReader: """ Internal construct for opening and inspecting a MOS file for the purposes of classifying, sorting and validating a :class:`MosCollection`. Provides the means to reconstruct the :class:`~mosromgr.mostypes.MosFile` instance when needed in order to preserve memory usage. """ def __init__(self, mo, *, restore_fn, restore_args): self._message_id = mo.message_id self._ro_id = mo.ro_id self._mos_type = mo.__class__ self._restore_fn = restore_fn self._restore_args = restore_args @classmethod def from_file(cls, mos_file_path): mo = MosFile.from_file(mos_file_path) # store a method of restoring the mos object from the determined class return cls(mo, restore_fn=mo.__class__.from_file, restore_args=(mos_file_path, )) @classmethod def from_string(cls, mos_file_contents): mo = MosFile.from_string(mos_file_contents) # store a method of restoring the mos object from the determined class return cls(mo, restore_fn=mo.__class__.from_string, restore_args=(mos_file_contents, )) @classmethod def from_s3(cls, bucket_name, mos_file_key): mo = MosFile.from_s3(bucket_name=bucket_name, mos_file_key=mos_file_key) # store a method of restoring the mos object from the determined class return cls(mo, restore_fn=mo.__class__.from_s3, restore_args=(bucket_name, mos_file_key)) def __repr__(self): return f'<{self.__class__.__name__} type {self.mos_type.__name__}>' def __lt__(self, other): return self.message_id < other.message_id def __gt__(self, other): return self.message_id > other.message_id @property def message_id(self): "The message ID of the MOS file (:class:`str`)" return self._message_id @property def ro_id(self): "The MOS file's running order ID (:class:`str`)" return self._ro_id @property def mos_type(self): """ The :class:`~mosromgr.mostypes.MosFile` subclass this object was classified as (returns the class object, not an instance or a string) """ return self._mos_type @property def mos_object(self): """ Restore the MOS object and return it (:class:`~mosromgr.mostypes.MosFile`) """ return self._restore_fn(*self._restore_args)
[docs]class MosCollection: """ Wrapper for a collection of MOS files representing a partial or complete programme """ def __init__(self, mos_readers, *, allow_incomplete=False):"Making MosCollection from %s MosReaders", len(mos_readers)) self._mos_readers = mos_readers self._ro = None try: self._validate(allow_incomplete=allow_incomplete) except AssertionError as e: raise InvalidMosCollection(f"Failed to validate MosCollection: {e}") from e
[docs] @classmethod def from_files(cls, mos_file_paths, *, allow_incomplete=False): """ Construct from a list of MOS file paths :type mos_file_paths: list :param mos_file_paths: A list of paths to MOS files :type allow_incomplete: bool :param allow_incomplete: If ``False`` (the default), the collection is permitted to be constructed without a ``roDelete``. If ``True``, a :class:`~mosromgr.exc.InvalidMosCollection` will be raised if one is not present. (keyword-only argument) """"Making MosCollection from %s files", len(mos_file_paths)) mos_readers = sorted([ mr for mr in [MosReader.from_file(mfp) for mfp in mos_file_paths] if mr is not None ]) return cls(mos_readers, allow_incomplete=allow_incomplete)
[docs] @classmethod def from_strings(cls, mos_file_strings, *, allow_incomplete=False): """ Construct from a list of MOS document XML strings :type mos_file_paths: list :param mos_file_paths: A list of paths to MOS files :type allow_incomplete: bool :param allow_incomplete: If ``False`` (the default), the collection is permitted to be constructed without a ``roDelete``. If ``True``, a :class:`~mosromgr.exc.InvalidMosCollection` will be raised if one is not present. (keyword-only argument) """"Making MosCollection from %s strings", len(mos_file_strings)) mos_readers = sorted([ mr for mr in [MosReader.from_string(mfs) for mfs in mos_file_strings] if mr is not None ]) return cls(mos_readers, allow_incomplete=allow_incomplete)
[docs] @classmethod def from_s3(cls, *, bucket_name, prefix, suffix='.mos.xml', allow_incomplete=False): """ Construct from a list of MOS files in an S3 bucket :type bucket_name: str :param bucket_name: The name of the S3 bucket (keyword-only argument) :type prefix: str :param prefix: The prefix of the file keys in the S3 bucket (keyword-only argument) :type suffix: str :param suffix: The suffix of the file keys in the S3 bucket (keyword-only argument). Defaults to '.mos.xml'. :type allow_incomplete: bool :param allow_incomplete: If ``True``, the collection is permitted to be constructed without a ``roDelete``. If ``False`` (the default), a :class:`~mosromgr.exc.InvalidMosCollection` will be raised if one is not present. (keyword-only argument) """ mos_file_keys = s3.get_mos_files( bucket_name=bucket_name, prefix=prefix, suffix=suffix, )"Making MosCollection from %s S3 files", len(mos_file_keys)) mos_readers = sorted([ mr for mr in [MosReader.from_s3(bucket_name, key) for key in mos_file_keys] if mr is not None ]) return cls(mos_readers, allow_incomplete=allow_incomplete)
def __repr__(self): if is not None: return f'<{self.__class__.__name__} {self.ro_slug}>' return f'<{self.__class__.__name__}>'
[docs] def __str__(self): "The XML string of the collection's running order" return str(
@property def mos_readers(self): """ A list of :class:`MosReader` objects representing all MOS files in the collection, except the :class:`~mosromgr.mostypes.RunningOrder` (``roCreate``) which is held in :attr:`ro` """ return self._mos_readers @property def ro(self): "The collection's :class:`~mosromgr.mostypes.RunningOrder` object" return self._ro @property def ro_id(self): "The running order ID" return @property def ro_slug(self): "The running order slug" return @property def completed(self): """ Whether or not the running order has had a :class:`~mosromgr.mostypes.RunningOrderEnd` merged (:class:`bool`) """ return def _validate(self, allow_incomplete=False): """ Check a single roCreate is present, and if *allow_incomplete* is True, also check a single roDelete is present. """ ro_id = self.mos_readers[0].ro_id assert all(mr.ro_id == ro_id for mr in self.mos_readers), "Mixed RO IDs found" ro_creates = [ mr for mr in self.mos_readers if mr.mos_type == RunningOrder ] assert len(ro_creates) == 1, f"{len(ro_creates)} roCreates found" self._ro = ro_creates[0].mos_object ro_deletes = [ mr for mr in self.mos_readers if mr.mos_type == RunningOrderEnd ] assert len(ro_deletes) < 2, f"{len(ro_deletes)} roDeletes found" if not allow_incomplete: assert len(ro_deletes) == 1, f"{len(ro_deletes)} roDeletes found" self._mos_readers = [ mr for mr in self.mos_readers if mr.mos_type != RunningOrder ]
[docs] def merge(self, *, strict=True): """ Merge all MOS files into the collection's running order (:attr:`ro`). If *strict* is ``True`` (the default), then merge errors will be fatal. If ``False``, then merge errors will be downgraded to warnings. """"Merging %s MosReaders into RunningOrder", len(self.mos_readers)) for mr in self.mos_readers: mo = mr.mos_object"Merging %s %s", mo.__class__.__name__, mr.message_id) try: self._ro += mo except MosMergeError as e: if strict: raise logger.error(str(e)) warnings.warn(str(e), MosMergeNonStrictWarning)"Completed merging %s mos files", len(self.mos_readers))