Command line interface

This section lists the module’s command line commands and provides a reference to their arguments. For examples, see the Using the command line interface section.


usage: mosromgr [-h] [--version] {help,detect,inspect,merge} ...

mosromgr is a tool for managing MOS running orders

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             show program's version number and exit

    help                Displays help about the specified command
    detect              Detect the MOS type of one or more files
    inspect             Inspect the contents of a roCreate file
    merge               Merge the provided MOS files

mosromgr detect

usage: mosromgr detect [-h] [-f [files [files ...]]] [-b bucket] [-p prefix] [-s suffix] [-k key]

Detect the MOS type of one or more files

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f [files [files ...]], --files [files [files ...]]
                        The MOS files to detect
  -b bucket, --bucket-name bucket
                        S3 bucket name containing the MOS files
  -p prefix, --prefix prefix
                        The prefix for MOS files in the S3 bucket
  -s suffix, --suffix suffix
                        The suffix for MOS files in the S3 bucket
  -k key, --key key     The file key for a MOS file in the S3 bucket

mosromgr inspect

usage: mosromgr inspect [-h] [-f file] [-b bucket] [-k key] [-t] [-e] [-d] [-s] [-i] [-n]

Inspect the contents of a roCreate file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f file, --file file  The roCreate file to inspect
  -b bucket, --bucket-name bucket
                        S3 bucket name containing the roCreate file
  -k key, --key key     The file key for the roCreate file in the S3 bucket
  -t, --start-time      Show programme start time
  -e, --end-time        Show programme end time
  -d, --duration        Show total running order duration
  -s, --stories         Show stories within the running order in the running order
  -i, --items           Show items within stories in the running order
  -n, --notes           Show notes within story items in the running order

mosromgr merge

usage: mosromgr merge [-h] [-f [files [files ...]]] [-b bucket] [-p prefix] [-s suffix]
                      [-o outfile] [-i]

Merge the provided MOS files

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f [files [files ...]], --files [files [files ...]]
                        The MOS files to merge
  -b bucket, --bucket-name bucket
                        S3 bucket name containing MOS files
  -p prefix, --prefix prefix
                        The file prefix for MOS files in the S3 bucket
  -s suffix, --suffix suffix
                        The file suffix for MOS files in the S3 bucket
  -o outfile, --outfile outfile
                        Output to a file
  -i, --incomplete      Allow an incomplete collection